--- apiVersion:installer.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1 kind:ClusterConfiguration metadata: name:ks-installer namespace:kubesphere-system labels: version:v3.1.1 spec: persistence: storageClass:"longhorn"#设置使用的存储类 authentication: jwtSecret:"" local_registry:""# Add your private registry address if it is needed. dev_tag:""# Add your kubesphere image tag you want to install, by default it's same as ks-install release version. etcd: monitoring:false# Enable or disable etcd monitoring dashboard installation. You have to create a Secret for etcd before you enable it. endpointIps:localhost# etcd cluster EndpointIps. It can be a bunch of IPs here. port:2379# etcd port. tlsEnable:true common: redis: enabled:false openldap: enabled:false minioVolumeSize:1Gi# Minio PVC size. openldapVolumeSize:1Gi# openldap PVC size. redisVolumSize:1Gi# Redis PVC size. monitoring: type:external# 设置使用自定义的prometheus endpoint:http://prometheus-operated.monitoring.svc:9090# Prometheus 地址 es:# Storage backend for logging, events and auditing. # elasticsearchMasterReplicas: 1 # The total number of master nodes. Even numbers are not allowed. # elasticsearchDataReplicas: 1 # The total number of data nodes. elasticsearchMasterVolumeSize:4Gi# The volume size of Elasticsearch master nodes. elasticsearchDataVolumeSize:20Gi# The volume size of Elasticsearch data nodes. logMaxAge:7# Log retention time in built-in Elasticsearch. It is 7 days by default. elkPrefix:logstash# The string making up index names. The index name will be formatted as ks-<elk_prefix>-log. basicAuth: enabled:false username:"" password:"" externalElasticsearchUrl:"" externalElasticsearchPort:"" console: enableMultiLogin:true# Enable or disable simultaneous logins. It allows different users to log in with the same account at the same time. port:30880 type:NodePort alerting:# (CPU: 0.1 Core, Memory: 100 MiB) It enables users to customize alerting policies to send messages to receivers in time with different time intervals and alerting levels to choose from. enabled:true# Enable or disable the KubeSphere Alerting System. # thanosruler: # replicas: 1 # resources: {} auditing:# Provide a security-relevant chronological set of records,recording the sequence of activities happening on the platform, initiated by different tenants. enabled:false# Enable or disable the KubeSphere Auditing Log System. devops:# (CPU: 0.47 Core, Memory: 8.6 G) Provide an out-of-the-box CI/CD system based on Jenkins, and automated workflow tools including Source-to-Image & Binary-to-Image. enabled:false# Enable or disable the KubeSphere DevOps System. jenkinsMemoryLim:2Gi# Jenkins memory limit. jenkinsMemoryReq:1500Mi# Jenkins memory request. jenkinsVolumeSize:8Gi# Jenkins volume size. jenkinsJavaOpts_Xms:512m# The following three fields are JVM parameters. jenkinsJavaOpts_Xmx:512m jenkinsJavaOpts_MaxRAM:2g events:# Provide a graphical web console for Kubernetes Events exporting, filtering and alerting in multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters. enabled:false# Enable or disable the KubeSphere Events System. ruler: enabled:true replicas:2 logging:# (CPU: 57 m, Memory: 2.76 G) Flexible logging functions are provided for log query, collection and management in a unified console. Additional log collectors can be added, such as Elasticsearch, Kafka and Fluentd. enabled:false# Enable or disable the KubeSphere Logging System. logsidecar: enabled:true replicas:2 metrics_server:# (CPU: 56 m, Memory: 44.35 MiB) It enables HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler). enabled:false# Enable or disable metrics-server. monitoring: storageClass:""# If there is an independent StorageClass you need for Prometheus, you can specify it here. The default StorageClass is used by default. # prometheusReplicas: 1 # Prometheus replicas are responsible for monitoring different segments of data source and providing high availability. prometheusMemoryRequest:400Mi# Prometheus request memory. prometheusVolumeSize:20Gi# Prometheus PVC size. # alertmanagerReplicas: 1 # AlertManager Replicas. multicluster: clusterRole:none# host | member | none # You can install a solo cluster, or specify it as the Host or Member Cluster. network: networkpolicy:# Network policies allow network isolation within the same cluster, which means firewalls can be set up between certain instances (Pods). # Make sure that the CNI network plugin used by the cluster supports NetworkPolicy. There are a number of CNI network plugins that support NetworkPolicy, including Calico, Cilium, Kube-router, Romana and Weave Net. enabled:false# Enable or disable network policies. ippool:# Use Pod IP Pools to manage the Pod network address space. Pods to be created can be assigned IP addresses from a Pod IP Pool. type:none# Specify "calico" for this field if Calico is used as your CNI plugin. "none" means that Pod IP Pools are disabled. topology:# Use Service Topology to view Service-to-Service communication based on Weave Scope. type:none# Specify "weave-scope" for this field to enable Service Topology. "none" means that Service Topology is disabled. openpitrix:# An App Store that is accessible to all platform tenants. You can use it to manage apps across their entire lifecycle. store: enabled:false# Enable or disable the KubeSphere App Store. servicemesh:# (0.3 Core, 300 MiB) Provide fine-grained traffic management, observability and tracing, and visualized traffic topology. enabled:false# Base component (pilot). Enable or disable KubeSphere Service Mesh (Istio-based). kubeedge:# Add edge nodes to your cluster and deploy workloads on edge nodes. enabled:false# Enable or disable KubeEdge. cloudCore: nodeSelector: {"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker":""} tolerations: [] cloudhubPort:"10000" cloudhubQuicPort:"10001" cloudhubHttpsPort:"10002" cloudstreamPort:"10003" tunnelPort:"10004" cloudHub: advertiseAddress:# At least a public IP address or an IP address which can be accessed by edge nodes must be provided. -""# Note that once KubeEdge is enabled, CloudCore will malfunction if the address is not provided. nodeLimit:"100" service: cloudhubNodePort:"30000" cloudhubQuicNodePort:"30001" cloudhubHttpsNodePort:"30002" cloudstreamNodePort:"30003" tunnelNodePort:"30004" edgeWatcher: nodeSelector: {"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker":""} tolerations: [] edgeWatcherAgent: nodeSelector: {"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker":""} tolerations: []